Saturday 14 January 2017

Task 12: Audience Feedback

Feedback from Final Proposal/Pitch:

I received mostly positive feedback from my peers during this phase of the production, mainly for the story behind my music video being that of male suicide awareness as it is a topic rarely touched upon in music videos. However they were unsure as to how I would portray such a complex narrative in such a short time (in regards to the length of the song).

This lead to me to make changes to the story so it was clear from the beginning of the video what the overarching theme would be throughout the video by adding footage of a graveyard. Furthermore, it helped come to the decision to include the number for 'Samaritans' in my music video.

First Edit:

After watching my first edit, my peers told me that the narrative was still not 100% clear so I decided to add symbolic images to the video (noose, angel, drugs, alcohol, devil) upon editing it for the second time. This also adds another layer of depth to the music video and makes it appear more professional. As well as this, I should 'drain' the colour to add a darker feel to the music video.

Final Edit:

Upon watching my final edit, my peers informed me that I had successfully made the narrative clearer and that it looked like a professional production (when you take into account the limited equipment I had access too). They approved of the story line and the use of symbolism, as well as the phone number for 'Samaritans'.

The only negative criticism I received was that it was either:

a) not that persons music of choice
b) It would have been better if I had a longer song to develop the narrative even further due to it's abrupt ending.


The feedback I received for my digipak was almost entirely postive. My peers said that "it looked great" and that "it fits well with the music video".

I ensured that my digipak colour scheme was monochrome, clearly defining the genre and themes in the album it represents. The artwork included is also symbolic of the genre (inverted cross, scrawled text for the tracklisting).

One of my peers did raise the notion that being so dark, it would not attract as much attention when on the shelf. 

On the back of that criticism I edited it again, improving the colour scheme so that the artist, and his guitar, are in colour. The idea behind this being that the small use of colour on a largely dark canvas will draw attention as it is a focal point.

Magazine advert:

The feedback I received from my magazine advert was mostly positive, it had all the necessities that an advert needed and clearly shown my artist on it as well. It also included a picture of the album to make it easier for potential audiences to find it.

The only criticism raised was what the background of the image was, however they soon realised that it was actually the inverted cross from my digipak.

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