Thursday 5 January 2017

Task 10 - Gone - Risk Assessment


-I used this website to get a rough template for how to do my risk assessment.

Note: This is the same risk assessment as presented for the previous music video as the risks remain the same due to the similar nature of the video.

Owen Clive
Dan Greenway


What risks have been identified?
Potential injuries/damage
Severity 1,2 or 3
(3 being the worst)
Measures taken to prevent injury/damage
Number of people at risk
Moving Cars
Getting hit by a car could cause serious injury and trauma both directly to us, and indirectly to bystanders.
Always looking to cross the road before doing so and making sure to cross the road at a suitable place (crossing) rather than elsewhere.
Having a mobile phone to call an ambulance readily available.
Wet floor
A wet floor could result in it being slippy underfoot.
There could be mud which could ruin our clothes/costume.
To avoid injury we will wear suitable footwear for the terrain that we come across.
We will also take extra caution when walking up or down hills and on grass to avoid losing our footing.
To avoid ruining our clothing we will avoid mud where possible.
We could fall up or downstairs, resulting in anything from minor bruising up to broken bones.
We will pay more attention when by stairs to avoid any potential injuries and not take part in any form of running/insensible activity around them.
We could damage equipment by knocking it.
Equipment could get in the way, causing damage to us or the equipment.
To prevent equipment getting damaged we will handle it responsibly and not leave it lying around where it can stood on or kicked etc.
To prevent equipment getting in the way we will put it away at the first instance, instead of leaving it lying around. It will also not be placed in any locations where we will need to walk when not in use.
Wires pose a risk as they are a trip hazard. As well as this any damaged wires plugged into the mains could result in electrocution.
To not trip over wires they will all be taped down to the floor using tape.
We will also check all wires before use to make sure they are not damaged.
Cuts and grazes are a minor risk because they are minor physical damage.
To prevent any cuts or grazes we will be sensible and not be silly with sharp objects.
If they occur we will treat them instantly (clean the wound and apply a plaster/bandage or if it is serious call an ambulance or go to the local minor injuries unit).
Getting hurt by props
The main prop is an electric guitar and if that hits one of us it could cause damage such as cuts/grazes or bruising.
To prevent being hit by the guitar we will behave sensibly with it, not swinging it around and carrying it properly at all times.
The weather contributes to other risks more than being a risk in itself. It contributes to the wet floor, damage of equipment, damage of wire and pretty much most of the risks presented.
To avoid/prevent injury surrounding the weather, we will only film outside when the weather is suitable and not when it is heavily raining or windy etc.


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